Week Sauce - September Jam

Stasis v0.5 - it's a half iteration because I wasn't able to get the rules done in time. 

I saw the Week Sauce jam and thought this might be a fun way to get an idea out.  Here's a brief breakout of how my 7 days went. 

Day 1: Started brainstorming ideas on how I wanted it to play. Settled on a mini zine and a limited number of dice and a pseudo space horror theme along with concept story of being awoken from Stasis. 

Day 2: Felt the design was too limited so thought a fortune teller might be a fun way to incorporate a physical element into the game. 

Day 3: Rage quit several times as getting fortune teller lines to match up is impossible. Tried to find a cc0 or equivalent template but couldn't find one and didn't want to steal. Gave up for the day. 

Day 4: Worked on story elements and made decisions on how to navigate the ship. Finally after much suffering got the fortune teller design to good enough to start making a limited one. 

Day 5: Pitched the very bare bones prototype of fortune teller and concept to friends. They seemed to think the base concept was sound so proceeded. 

Day 6: Started adding in details and art and did a test print of mini zine for flipping. Seems to work okay. Lines are not perfect but pretty close. 

Day 7: Scrambled to add art and at least get the fortune teller part done. Settle on zine being 2 tone when in full color to help make flipping easy. It's definitely not done as I still need to add rules to booklet but pretty happy with how fortune teller works. Hoping to do another test print tomorrow. I am out of days for jam and jam is ending so submitting! Will keep working on updating this and definitely when things are finalized releasing a low ink version. There's a lot of saturation in these pages. 


Stasis v.0.5 5.9 MB
1 day ago

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